Creation Date:  2005-07-01
Category:  Risk Management
Effective Date:  2005-07-01
Version:  1.0
Last Reviewed:  2023-05-03
Security Classification:  Public
Scheduled Review Date: 2024-11-01
Status:  Approved


​​​​​​​​This directive outlines the acceptable use of IMT assets, allowable personal use and compliance consequences of improper use. The Government of Alberta (GoA) owns the data and information that it collects, processes, stores, transmits, and receives. The GoA provides employees with business tools, applications and services that assist in meeting GoA business requirements for sharing information and data, enabling collaboration between departments and the public. GoA employees are provided with the access required to perform tasks on behalf of Albertans and are, therefore, responsible for managing the information and data on behalf of the GoA.​​

Keywords: Internet and e-mail usage, risks, GoA employees