Creation Date:  2021-11-30
Effective Date:  2021-11-30
Version:  1.0
Last Reviewed:  2021-11-30
Security Classification:  Public
Scheduled Review Date: 2023-11-01
Status:  Approved


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This guideline is designed to assist Government of Alberta staff (which includes, but is not limited to, employees, contractors, volunteers, appointees, interns, and students working with a public body) with understanding retention and disposition activities related to official and transitory records.

Regardless of whether a record is classified as transitory or official, all records must be managed in accordance with government information management policy instruments (e.g., relevant records retention and disposition schedule, etc.).​

Keywords: Retention, Disposition, Official, Transitory, Records, manage, schedule