Creation Date:  2024-11-22
Category:  IMT Software
Effective Date:  2024-11-22
Last Reviewed:  2024-11-22
Version:  1.0
Scheduled Review Date: 2026-11-30
Security Classification:  Protected A
Status:  Approved

Please note that information classified as Protected (per the Data and Information Security Classification standard) is only accessible to Government of Alberta Employees. External users are therefore not able to download this document. To request access, please contact us:

​​This standard establishes an organizational approach for the management and delivery of Managed Technical Services (MTS). This approach ensures that these technical services:​​​​

  • ​adhere to industry best practices;
  • are actively managed;
  • are sustained on an ongoing basis;
  • are consistently implemented; and
  • limit the exposure of the Government of Alberta’s (GoA) information management and technology (IMT) infrastructure and information assets to vulnerabilities​.

Keywords: infrastructure, cloud, on-premises, software-as-a-solution (SaaS), accountability, service quality